Titre poster N°4

A Second Generation Perfluorocarbon Emulsion (Oxyfluor®) improves Survival to Acute Carbon monoxide poisoning in rabbits


Olivier Y. Cuignet, MD, Thomas C. Kreck, MD, Jennifer D. Souders, MD, Michael D. Hlastala, PhD, Bruce D. Spiess, MD.


University of Washington, Seattle 98105, WA
Université Catholique de Louvain, Woluwé St Lambert, Belgium

Background. Since 20 years, perfluorocarbon emulsions (PFE) have been reported to improve tissue oxygenation after acute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning (1,2,3). However, efficient volumes of 1st generation PFEs were too large to yield any clinical application. Concentrations of these PFEs were 4 times smaller than the new Oxyfluor Ň (Ox, perfluorodichlorooctane, 40 % v/v, HemaGen, St Louis, MO). Hence, clinically relevant volumes of Ox should present a similar protective effect. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that a pretreatment with 10 mL/kg of Ox has the potential to increase survival in a rabbit model of CO poisoning.

Methods. After Animal Care Committee approval, 12 rabbits were divided into 2 groups: 6 animals received Ox (study group, Sty) while 6 others received an equivalent volume of saline (control group, Ctrl). Each rodent was then submitted to poisoning with CO 5 % in O2  until death. Death was defined as a value of zero for mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate, both determined by an arterial line, which also allowed to draw blood gases at baseline, postinfusion of Ox/saline and after 5 min of poisoning. Hbco levels were determined every 5 min.


All results presented a normal distribution. Survival was significantly longer in Sty. Both groups presented similar HbCO values that stabilized after 5 min, pH values were normal and similar within and between groups before, after ox/saline infusion and at 5 min poisoning.

                                                                                      Ctrl                                           Sty


                        Survival (sec)             

                          Mean +/- sd                                  1177 +/- 106                       1417 +/- 105 *

                          Difference (95% Conf. Interv.)                             240 (105 – 376)

                        HbCO after 5 min poisoning

  Mean +/- sd                                            63.9 +/- 10                            58 +/- 1.5


(*) : p < .01, unpaired t-test.

 Conclusions. We found that clinically relevant volumes of Ox, a new PFE, significantly improved survival when administered prior to CO poisoning.


1. Geyer RP. Fed. Proc., 1968; 27: 384.

2.Yokoyama K.  Jap. J. Surg. 1978;4 (8): 342-52

3. Baker VV. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1986; 155: 1128-1134